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Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Event organiser: Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust

Event format: Virtual

Wednesday 15th November 2023 | 1:00PM - 4:00PM

Event overview:

This event will showcase the broad range of research and innovation being conducted at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The topic will be presented from a range of perspectives: patient, clinical, academic and industry. Case studies will be presented showing how AI is being explored in the Trust and how it has the potential to change clinical practice and improve patient care.

Keynote speakers include: 
Dr Nisha Sharma, Director of Breast Screening and Clinical Lead for Breast Imaging, The Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust 
Prof Darren Treanor (Programme Director) & Dr Daljeet Bansal (Operations Director) from the National Pathology Imaging Co-operative 
Prof Andrew Scarsbrook, Honorary Professor of Radiology, University of Leeds and Consultant Radiologist, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust 


​Session run by: Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust

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